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Não existe qualquer evidência disso e o presidente brasileiro jamais apresentou as provas que disse ter.

Donald Trump has been criminally indicted four times, and will have a series of trials to attend in 2024 as he runs again for the White House.

The charges are related to both his handling of the documents and his alleged efforts to obstruct the FBI's attempts to retrieve them.

Federal judge deals another serious blow to proposed copper-nickel mine on edge Minnesota wilderness

A partir por meados do sé especialmenteculo 19 vemos surgir estruturas de que combatem as primeiras leis sobre vacinas obrigatórias. Este primeiro país a adotar uma lei desse Espécie foi a Inglaterra, em 1853. Ligas começaram a se formar de modo a combater este princípio da obrigatoriedade da vacina.

Ese tiempo fue suficiente para de que Myriam Bregman se convirtiera en una referente por la coalición. Su compromiso con la causa de los desaparecidos em la última dictadura militar (1976-1983), su cercanía a los sectores obreros y su vocación feminista hoy le permiten ser la candidata a presidenta por el Frente en las elecciones de que se celebrarán el 22 por octubre.

Trump campaign says he raised more than $45 million in 3rd quarter, far surpassing DeSantis Donald Trump’s campaign says it raised more than $45.5 million in the third quarter of the year. The haul announced Wednesday far surpasses Ron DeSantis, the man once seen as his fiercest rival.

BBC News País do futebol - O senhor escreveu pelo ano passado de que Bolsonaro era uma aposta Destes militares mas qual ele não se comportou exatamente como eles esperavam. Pode vir a explicar tal ideia?

Judge has al­ready ruled Trump and his two sons com­mit­ted fraud in over­stat­ing the val­ue of their busi­ness em­pire.

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The for­mer US pres­i­dent is stand­ing tri­al, ac­cused of car­ry­ing out busi­ness fraud in New York.

"Biden has forgiven more student loan debt than any previous president," said higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz. "It distinguishes him from other candidates who are campaigning for the nation's highest office."

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Each of the charges carries a maximum of four years in prison, although a judge could sentence Mr Trump to probation if he is convicted.

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